It’s my turn now.
I thank Girandolina and TintipaTravels for nominating me, it was a nice surprise!
What are the Liebster Awards? In my opinion one way to find bloggers, more than blogs.
Ten questions to find out more about who is behind those lines and the screen on which the blog is written.
So I’m ready to gift you something of me…
(I removed the similar questions, not to answer the same questions twice.. and to avoid being boring!)
A journey you will never forget?
The journey that brought me back home after six months of life in London. Carrying about 120 pounds of baggage, divided between us, without any chance of taking a plane.
Bus from London to Paris, via the English Channel and, most of all… the customs! We had to unload all the luggage , drag them up to check , then bring them on board.
I will also always remember the first “continental” breakfast at Charles de Gaulle airport, cappuccino and croissant: a breakfast which I hadn’t been doing for months!
Two days to discover Paris and Eurodisney, and the day of departure for
A journey you will never forget?
The journey that brought me back home after six months of life in London. Carrying about 120 pounds of baggage, divided between us, without any chance of taking a plane.
Bus from London to Paris, via the English Channel and, most of all… the customs! We had to unload all the luggage , drag them up to check , then bring them on board.
I will also always remember the first “continental” breakfast at Charles de Gaulle airport, cappuccino and croissant: a breakfast which I hadn’t been doing for months!
Two days to discover Paris and Eurodisney, and the day of departure for Rome… we were told that the train we were supposed to take had been canceled due to a strike. So we ran to the hotel, took our luggage and dragged it to the station, desperately seeking a way to return to Italy. The only solution? A train to Geneva , then from there another train to Rome.
When we arrived in Switzerland, they told us that the first train to Italy was the next morning at 4 o’clock, and to make things worse, it was to Milan, there were no trains to Rome. It was just 7.00 pm. With all that baggage, we couldn’t feel safe staying at the station to sleep. So we had a quick dinner at McDonald’s (Do you have any idea of how much does a McDonald’s menu cost in Switzerland? 15 euro! Also, we had to change money, of course) and went looking for a budget hotel… but we found out that the word “cheap” in Switzerland doesn’t exist. 130 euros for 5 hours in a small hotel near the station, in the red light district .
At least the next day we were able to leave for Milan early, and then to Rome.
All without letting my mother know, because we wanted to show up outside her work for a much appreciated surprise.
Something I will never forget.
What do you bring back with you when returning from your travels?
A magnet for grandma, a glass ball (the ones with the snow) to my brother, some typical food for the whole family and a postcard for me… as well as a suitcase full of memories and experiences, which is the most beautiful gift.
What is the destination of your dreams and why?
The U.S., because I feel that there I’d find my soul and my sense. A coast to coast ride on the saddle of a Harley would be the top, the dream of dreams.
Between rock and country, endless roads and wild landscapes… I feel that I really might find myself there.
After the trip on Route 66, I confirm this feelings: U.S are the land of my dreams!
What is the most beautiful place you’ve seen?
Difficult one, I loved every place that I discovered and experienced. Perhaps most of all I would say the Romantic Road, in Germany. A street full of fairy tales, with its bright colors, castles and villages that seem to come from a Grimm Brothers’ book…
Is there a place you have visited which you didn’t like and why?
Paris. I saw it three times, and I never liked it. Maybe because I got there full of expectations, imagining who knows what… The Eiffel Tower was the biggest disappointment, I was only impressed by his majesty. That monument is the most overrated in the world.
What does it mean for you to travel?
A natural necessity . A physical and mental need, I need it just as I need to breathe.
It ‘s a difficult question , because I’ve never been able to express what the travel really means to me . I feel only happy on the road, only there I feel like myself, alive , true … It’s a bit like a drug. I need those moments, those unique moments when I really feel Lucia , where I ‘m comfortable with myself and with the world.
To me, the journey is the very essence of life.
Your suitcase never lack of…
My camera and a notebook for notes. Everything else I can do without.
Since you choose the destination in return from a trip , what is the part that you like the most?
The journey itself. From the moment it starts , when preparing the suitcase , to the time when I get on the vehicle that takes me home .
Where does the name of your blog come from?
One question that everyone always does… Maybe it is time to unveil the “mystery”!
The day that I decided to start this online adventure, I mispronounced the word: “Meduse (jellyfish)” saying “mesupe.” So a few hours later, while we were choosing the name of the page … I opted for this, after having lost half an hour lost looking for something original!
What you can’t do without when you travel?
To move and to find out new things. I’m allergic to “holidays”, those “just-relax” trips… if I have to rest I might as well stay at home! The travel is my rest.
Is there a song or a book that accompanies you at every departure?
So many songs. One , in particular, accompanies me whatever I do: Romeo & Juliet by Dire Straits. The soundtrack of my life.
The book, instead, is always different!
What is your preferred mode of transport for traveling?
The train, the car, or the bus. Whatever means I’m in contact with the road, on the road and with the people. The real journey is about moving, not about reaching the destination in the shortest time possible (even if it is useful and often essential).
The best food tasted on the road?
The fish&chips in Southend-on-sea, England and Pörkölt in Budapest!
Now, here are my ten questions. Since everyone has already been nominated, I will not make nominations, but I would appreciate if you will answer my questions anyway… it’s nice to know more about you all!
- Do you have a superstitious ritual before the trip ?
- Which is the means of transport that scares you the most ?
- What’s the first travel you have ever done ?
- The best thing that a travel gifted you with?
- The most beautiful discovery that you made on a trip?
- Has a Journey ever helped you overcome a bad time?
- Is there something in particular that you’d like to do abroad? Where?
- If you were to start a journey around the world , which is the first stop you’d make?
- Food: the weirdest you’ve ever found ?
- The best meal you remember abroad?
bella che sei! E finalmente ho scoperto il significato del nome del blog 😀
Dolce che sei!
Ahahaha, il mistero rivelato 😀
Daaaiii, ora voglio le tue risposte alle mie domande, sono curiosa! Anche qui nei commenti va bene 😀
Le tue domande mi piacciono molto, e quindi mi permetto di rispondere.
1. Avete un rito scaramantico prima del viaggio? No, però metto in valigia degli indumenti che in passato mi hanno portato fortuna.
2. Qual è il mezzo di trasporto che più vi spaventa? Il treno. Faccio il pendolare da 6 anni, e ho visto tante di quelle situazioni inquietanti da poterci scrivere un libro.
3. Il primo viaggio che avete fatto? Tagliata di Cervia.
4. La cosa più bella che vi ha regalato un viaggio? La gioia di condividere una bella esperienza con i miei amici più cari.
5. La scoperta più bella che avete fatto in viaggio? Che non importa dove si va e cosa si fa, se si è con la compagnia giusta ci si divertirà comunque moltissimo.
6. Il viaggio vi ha mai aiutato a superare un brutto momento? Ogni volta che torno a Tagliata di Cervia provo un senso di pace così profondo che tutti i miei problemi mi sembrano meno gravi e più affrontabili.
7. C’è una cosa in particolare che vi piacerebbe fare all’estero? Dove? Mi piacerebbe tornare a Barcellona.
8. Se doveste iniziare un viaggio intorno al mondo, qual è la prima città in cui vi fermereste? Mi fermerei in una qualsiasi città della Francia, perché é l’unico dei grandi paesi europei che non ho ancora visitato. E da quello che scrivi su Parigi sembra che non mi sia perso nulla.
9. Cibo: il più strano che avete mai trovato? Un risotto al vino rosso. Pessimo.
10.Il pasto migliore che ricordate all’estero? Una paella buonissima, mangiata in riva al mare a Barcellona. Semplicemente stupendo.
Grazie mille per le risposte, le ho lette con piacere!
E’ vero, Parigi non mi è piaciuta, ma ci sono tante zone della Francia che sono bellissime, come la Loira, la Normandia, la Provenza… e ora sono in fissa per Dijon, devo assolutamente andare a vederla!
Sulla Paella concordo, anche io l’ho provata a Barcellona in riva al mare, ed era spettacolare!
Two minds think alike! Grazie a te per la risposta! : )
Davvero!! Finalmente l’ho scoperto anche io da cosa deriva il nome del tuo blog!!
Belle risposte!! 🙂
Grazie a te delle domande, Eli!